Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh, My Head!

So, it seems the migraine I thought was gone was only pretending. Although I am not sure, a headache looms after I spend too much time in one place (like in front of the computer), or in fluorescent lights. Naps or walks seem to help them dull down to a quieter sort of roar. It is driving me nuts. Midterms and papers are conspiring to make me do exactly what I need to avoid. Not to mention I am relearning all of my choir music since I am switching to alto for this concert. Oh well, such is life.

Hopefully this weekend I can come up with a solution to my head-problem (No, not the head-dumb problem, thank you very much!). And, perhaps I will actually get to spend time with my dear friend, who promised to come visit me and has yet to.


That's about all I have today/tonight. I think I will try to get to be a bit early tonight, since I have a big day tomorrow.

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