Sunday, June 24, 2007

Trailer For Harry Potter


This will be the next greatest movie out. I hope. The book is great, and I just hope that I am not disappointed by the film.

Sorry if I have been blogging a lot about Harry Potter but I am a bit obsessed. Yay, plus I work with children who are also obsessed with HP. Hooray for the geekiness. Don't worry , I will try to limit the amount of geek allowed here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Yes, that's right, I said romance. I personally, have not had that much real life romance in my life, however, I am a hopeless romantic, just like about every human creature with ovaries. I watch romantic films, read romantic stories, even though I may blush at some of the parts. But I love that sense that love can conquer all. I think that may be one of the reasons I love to do theater.

There is something inherently romantic and magical about theater, the costumes the lights the acting, I'm not sure what exactly it is but, the whole idea of becoming someone else and embodying a story is so beautiful. The show I am in right now is full of romance as learning to love is part of the theme. It is Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I love this show. Although as any actor can tell you, I have many ideas about how this show can be better. But this is about the show itself.

A prince cursed by an enchantress to be a beast until he can love someone and have them love him back. Oh my god, that is amazing. This was the first movie I saw in a movie theater that I remember, by the way. I love that the relationship between Belle and the Beast takes time and work to become love. And that Belle loves her father enough to give her life for his, and risks her life to try to warn the beast that the Villagers are coming to kill him. The musical just kills be though because the Beast has all these heart wrenching songs about his struggle to become human again and the fact that his life pretty much depends on falling in love and having someone else love him.

Awesome, that is what it is all about. Having everything depend on love. I guess it is that quest for love and that war to keep it that is so amazing. I can't help but hope that my life is full of passion and love, just like all those stories and movies. Although, I have quite a nice love in my life just now, and I hope that it will continue forever even though this distance is between us.

So, goodnight! I pray that you will have some love in your life.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Harry Potter!

I am kind of writing this blog in response to one written by my sister (in-law). It seems she may be a late bloomer to the world of Harry Potter but we have finally sucked her in(insert evil laugh). Oh how I love thee Harry Potter, let me count the ways. Ok, so I am not going to count the ways but I am going to try to explain coherently and sensibly to explain the various and sundry reasons why I so enjoy the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.

First of all, they are good stories, in my book that is key. A book must tell me a story in order to hold my attention, I don't care how well written it is. Well, thats an exaggeration, I really to care to some extent but if a book is reasonably well written and tells an amazing story I am more likely to enjoy it than if it tells an Okay story in profound and difficult to decipher language.

The writing is easy to read, allowing children, even ones who are learning to read, to enter a wonderful world of imagination and fantasy. I believe that reading is a gateway to knowledge and a life of success. There are children who never get to read such books and I feel sorry for them never knowing the joy of envisioning and entirely different world in their own heads as described by someone else's words.

The subject matter is another reason to love Harry Potter. JK brings up topics that are real and difficult in a way that can help children to be prepared for real life. They learn about dealing with conflict, and that the world is not all good, and about death. The characters in the book learn that violence is not the best way to solve a problem and that children can solve difficult problems if they put their minds to it. They learn about cultural and racial differences and tolerance and intolerance. All of these things are good things that parents should want their children to understand.

Yes the story is fantasy and the circumstances of Harry's life are a bit far-fetched for this world. No the story is not satanic witch-craft. It is a world of imagination that makes a great platform for kids imaginations and I for one think that one cannot be hurt by too much imagination.

I cannot wait for the next book and the coming movies to be released! YAY!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silly Forwards

Well, to start off, I am apologizing to my friends for the silly forwards filling their in boxes. A friend, who shall remain nameless to protect her safety thought it would be fun to dare me to do something very strange and dangerous. She knows that I will do almost anything if I am dared to. Here is the dare, to forward every lame forward that I get for a week. I did it, of course. The same adventurous streak that had me licking slugs at summer camp(I really did it) had me hitting the forward button at least 10 times a day.

Yeah, I know, silly dare but one that I did. Some of those forward were inane, flashing large annoying animation that the sender of this email considers me to be a friend and that I would be murdered by an axe murderer if I didn't send this along to 10 of my friends. Others were slightly creepy horror stories of murders, haunted houses, and hypodermic needles in ball pits. Not sure what I learned, if anything, from doing this, but it was kind of entertaining. So I'm sorry about all the silly forwards any of you have been getting. I am done with this dumb dare.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Sorry it has been a while since I blogged but I have been really busy fostering a pair of kittens for the Columbia Humane Society. We took them in when they were chronologically two and a half weeks old although they were the size of newborns. We got them two weeks ago, but we lost one of them a week ago. We had named him Miracle Max because he needed a miracle, by the time he died his brother was twice his weight. His brother we named Fezzik, to keep the names in the same theme, my favorite movie. Since he was so huge, well, huge compared to Maxxy.

Fezzik is doing well and is growing like a weed. We are starting the weaning process although we are not really in a hurry since he went through an abandonment twice, first his mother and then his brother. We are also starting the box training. Both are taking every ounce of patience. He just pees when and where he wants, and refuses to admit that he is capable of eating out of a bowl.

I will post some pictures of the boys when I can find the camera and the cord at the same time. They are the cutest.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New Beginning, Hopefully!

Today I am feeling the need for a change, not sure why or what needs to be changed, but something isn't right in my life. I am thinking right now that I just need to find an outlet for myself physically that is cheap and fun. I hate running, and walking by myself is lame, so... what else should I do. If anyone has any ideas let me know otherwise I may just go crazy! Not that I might be a little out in left-field already. Whatever, that isn't the point the point is that I am restless and want something to do badly!

I also really really want to move out. Not sure how that is going to happen as I am a poor college student, but the drama in the house is driving me insane, add to that the fact that my friends(the few I have), my school, my job, and any sort of sane people with open minds live in town. I meanwhile am stuck in the boonies with my crazy family. Don't take it wrong, I love my family, but I am almost 20, and I need some space and separation from my family, some time to grow up. The downside to this is that I am saving all the money I can for my trip to Nepal, or close to there.

I have no idea what I am going to do. I just hope that I figure it out before I go into a melt-down.