Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So this is the end of the term, finals are coming and the stress is mounting. However, I have been fortunate enough to fine some happiness in the middle of all this craziness. Things are going well for me on pretty much all levels. I am doing well academically, not that I couldn't try harder in some subjects, as well as personally. Without going into specifics, which I won't, just know that things are going extremely well for me and at this moment, meaning while I am typing, I don't know that I could be much happier. :D

I am trying to blog frequently but today I really don't have anything to write....I think.

Oh, in my writing class we wrote the best group poem ever. Once it gets finalized by the class I may end up posting it here.

I want to go to the beach. I miss the ocean...and the Pelican!!! Sorry, that was kind of random, but true. Enjoy this picture I took on our trip to the coast over New Year's and try to enjoy yourselves a bit. Especially since it is time for finals and stress. Peace Out!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Not About the Weather, Even Though It Rocks!

As you can read from the title above, I am NOT going to blog about something as inane as the weather, even though I have been enjoying it immensely this weekend.

Well, you may ask, if you aren't going to blog about the weather what are you going to blog about? Good question...

One thing that has been on my mind lately that I have been trying to forget is the end. The end of this semester. It has been amazing in a number of ways and I just wish that it could go a bit longer. Not academically, although academically is was great too, I mean mostly just the friendships I have made and the music I have made.

At the end of a concert, along with relief joy and/or frustration, I feel a small sense of loss. That musical moment will never happen again, I could perform the same songs but the performance and the moment would just be different. The same way with the friendships that I have now. Not that they will end just because we all will go home for the summer. Things will just be on hold. Most of my closest friends actually live quite a distance from me and all of us will be busy.

That sounds all kinds of pessimistic. That isn't really completely how I feel. It is more a mixed bag. I am extremely happy to have friends and part of this dread comes straight from me and the fact that I am so shy. It takes me a while to warm up to people and now that the term is almost over I have finally made connections.

Probably enough whining and moaning for now. Life is great right now and things are going well in pretty much every area of my life. I will just have to focus on that and not the sad things.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


So, I have the advantage of having a really (dorky) amazing older brother who sets me up with all kinds of computer/technology related gizmo's and updates. Recently he has been getting me to try Remember the Milk and Twitter.(see the side bar) Both seem like they will work for me pretty well. Once I get the initial kinks worked out. If you would like information on some awesome functionality or are in the mood for some goofy technology just visit my big brother's blog

Dear me, that was quite the plug.

Moving on.

What is with the weather. I believe unless I have completely lost touch with reality that it is now more than half way through April. Why is it snowing? I think that I live in the Pacific Northwest, nowhere near the top of a mountain or high in the Andes. After being cooped up inside during the week I was looking forward to spending some time outside this weekend. Ah, well. Maybe I will just put on my parka/raincoat and boots and go for a walk.

Last night I got the amazing opportunity to perform in front of an audience. It wasn't that large of one, but I still enjoyed myself. It wasn't any solo work; I was just a part of a choir, but that is what I love for. Yay Olaf!

Okay, random. That is probably enough for now. Maybe sometime soon I will come up with some piece of profound knowledge to share with y'all, but for now: Peace out!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Home

Today was my appointment to sign up for housing next year. My roommate and I decided to stay in the same building but we moved down two floors and gained a private bathroom and a kitchenette! I am so excited to have a kitchen!!! I don't even have words. I just wish we had it now. The apartment (yes apartment, not room) consists of a large living room with the kitchenette taking up one wall next to the coat closet. There is a small bathroom, but it is all ours! and a tiny bedroom with a large closet. I think the bedroom is only a tiny bit smaller than the room we are in now that has to hold way more stuff than this one will.

We have already offered our stove-top and kitchen space to our friends in the building who are not as fortunate. Especially since in a normal room you can't have a microwave. We can and will.

Here comes the last stretch until summer and it is already starting to get bittersweet for me. I have made a few good friends here on campus and even thinking about our separation for the summer break makes me sad :'( On the other hand I am really ready to be home. I miss my doggy and my family. Plus I am really really excited for Grease this summer and finding an awesome job...not(at least the job part) although I hear Starbucks is hiring at the two locations podunk St. Helens now boasts. Wee, I guess I might have a highly caffeinated summer. Fun.

Actually right now things feel great here at school and I have been doing really well and I am proud of my accomplishments here. Academically my classes aren't any harder than the ones I had at PCC, but this school is regarded as academically one of the best in the nation...hmm, but I guess if I can do well here it doesn't matter where I went before.

I also thought I might take this opportunity to premiere a picture from my Black Chocolate which I have dubbed Dean. This is from last week in the lovely weather and the cherry blossoms in Trombley square.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sorry For the Delay

As the title implies, I apologize for the long break between posts. I have been, well, just not blogging.

I had the opportunity to see the United States Navy Band Sea Chanters on Saturday. It was a really fun concert, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Mom, Dad, Jon and Ookie(Becca) came to the concert as well and it was nice to get to spend a little time with them. I would love to perform with a group like that, maybe not for the Navy since I am a bit of a pacifist....ah well.

Honestly though, it really made me think about the things I can so with my music in the future in a couple of new ways. I keep hearing recordings of studio choirs or the choirs they use in soundtracks to movies or commercials and I want in on it. I am not really sure if I have the guts to go for a solo career, and I love to sing in choir. At least with a group at least as dedicated as I am.

We have our end of the year choir concerts coming up, and I am pretty excited. I don't have a solo or anything, but any chance to perform I get excited.

I met with my advisors last week to sign up for my classes and get organized so that I can graduate in 3 years with two majors that may be a bit of a stretch but since I have most of my core requirements out of the way I'll be able to focus on what I need to do. I get to take lessons again and I am considering taking Piano lessons along with Voice, but I still want to think about it.

Oh, I love my new phone! I think that is about

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tis The Season...

No, not THAT season, that one is over for now. Tis the season for spring and it really seems like it may be here. If that sounds overly ambiguous then you have never been in the Portland area during spring, or fall. The seasons here like to tease us and frustrate us with their lack of sincerity. "See," they taunt, "It is spring the sun is out and it is warm" fast forward a week, or a day, or an hour forward, "BWAHAHAHA Gotcha! It is actually going to snow/pour/freeze! You can't outwit the weather!"

Okay, so maybe that was...overly...dramatic, but I just can't help but over act in my humanization of the weather. It is appropriate, at least in this situation. And even if it isn't amuses me.

Tis also the season for concerts. I am really excited to be performing in a few in the coming weeks, this also means that the semester is close to an end. Which is both frightening and heartening. I want to be home! Don't get me wrong I love school and everything I am doing here. I just miss my dog...oh Koko, your wrinkled face calls to me across the distance separating us. Alright, you might have guessed it, I am in a strange mood today, in fact I will readily admit to it with pride. Earlier tonight I was speaking with a British accent for no reason again...and singing silly ditties (that isn't any different from any other day).

Goofy moods aside, I am pretty OK with where life is leading right now. I am freaking out (in a good way) about fall semester and all my music classes. I think there are at least six of them, and there may be more ensembles that I want to be in. Who knows? Plus, I will be taking theater classes as well. Kim will be a happy busy camper. yay

Enough rambling, I am going to waste some more time wandering though the Internet...enjoy yourselves and sing a happy song! Or play, or listen to or otherwise enjoy some music...please!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Editorials, and Sunny/Rainy Days

Sorry about the delay in posting, I really don't have and excuse, except that I just didn't feel like blogging. I would like to share that my editorial below was printed in three newspapers: The South County Spotlight, The Forest Grove News Times, and the Portland Tribune. I never expected it to do so well. Yay for me

This week has been full of strange Oregon weather; days that include both pouring down rain and beautiful spring sun. The campus is gorgeous as the various fruit trees flower and leaves are sprouting on branches. As always, the oak trees are slow to green, but I can't wait until they do. The oak trees are amazing!

I have been starting my summer job search. Once I get my first aid/CPR card again, it shouldn't be a problem, there are any number of childcare centers and summer programs that are hiring, although, I always am nervous looking for a job. Actually, I am always nervous....

Have a lovely spring, hope y'all can spend some time outside. Maybe it won't be raining where you live.