Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My friend who has been promising to visit me since I moved finally came tonight! He called me during class and wanted directions to get here since he was on his way. about 45 minutes later we were together, for the first time since January. Yay!

I didn't think he would ever come...but he did. I am glad to have seen him especially since we have so much fun when we are together, like taking down christmas lights at 2am in the rain, or bowling and then staying out till about 3am. Good times.

Tonight was good though, we went to Powell's and to Jake's. Let me just say...yum. Pretty much everything rocked, except that damned oyster. Why the heck do I let him con me into so much. I mean really...

But anyway...I think that is enough for now, I might actually head off to bed earlyish tonight, as I am sleepy from the digesting of food. (Glorious Food!)

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