Friday, February 23, 2007


So, you all have been reading about my trials and tribulations in trying to make enough money to pay for my college tuition, and save for my trip to Nepal. And, as I am not in Nepal, have never been in Nepal, and still wish to travel there, you may surmise correctly that I have not been very successful at making money.

I am hoping to change that as of right now. I will be starting a new job come next Saturday, although for the time being it wont be very many hours but they like me and when this term is over I should be scheduled for more hours. The lady who hired me seemed to like me and since she is in charge of the schedule that will help as well. This is me crossing my fingers.

I have my Mary Kay business, yes I know, I have had it for a while but I'm shy and it is taking me a while to sort through my fears and anxiety to be able to get a class organized and call and talk to people that I know. Yes, this may make me sound pathetic and silly, but I am both. i have a really hard time putting myself out there and trying to sell not only myself but my products.

My next plan is to make a bunch of my star lights and try to sell them as well (see the picture above) they are fairly simple to make but they are beautiful. The other thing about them is I can decorate them however I want so I can customize them for people who are buying them from me.

With all of these schemes I hope that enough money comes my way that I don't really have to worry about tuition at this point that is my goal. Since my last employer was a jerk and fired me enough of the way into the term that I couldn't get my money back, and close enough to the start of the term that I don't have enough money to pay for my tuition. So here's hoping I don't crash and burn.

In other news I am sick and tired of hearing about Anna Nicole Smith, I had enough of her when she was alive they should just let her be dead and silent. Britney Spears could join her too for all I care, I don't particularly care if she checks herself in and out of rehab and shaves her head, hey, she can do what she wants, I just don't want to hear about it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Update on the job search: I now pretty much have a job, YAY! All I have to do is get my name into the certified childcare criminal background check system. It shouldn't be a problem at all as I haven't been arrested for, or committed any crimes. I can't wait to start. The job is at a childcare center one that a friend of mine works at. I went in for an interview and walked out with the job, pretty much. I think I will start after a couple weeks

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love and Dreams

So, it is almost Valentine's Day so I thought that I would write about love. Yeah, I know, its kind of a broad topic but its one that is close to my heart. I have always been a sucker for love and romance, not that I have had that much experience. I really haven't but as one of my friends said, I'm addicted to love. Its true, in all shapes and forms I am fascinated by the whys and hows of love.

This is particularly interested in my case, as my love is so far away and we have never met, but I love him. Some people try to explain love as biological because of scents or some primeval urges for healthy mates. This does not explain our case very well, I fell in love with him pretty much at first, as soon as I knew his heart. I think I always knew that I would fall in love with someone far away from where I grew up.

Even when I was young I felt that there was another soul far away from me that was a fit for mine. At night especially on the nights where there was a bright moon I would feel close to that soul and then feel kind of sad because that distance seemed so far. Now I know who that person is and now I know that my dreams and hopes are true.

Love, I don't think I could live without some form of it. I love romance movies, chick flicks (duh, I have ovaries) I love hearing how people fell in and out of love. I have never had a special someone on Valentine's Day, which is something I have always regretted. No, wait, I had a valentine in second grade........I think his name was Eli, I'm not sure, but I think so.

I hope all my readers have someone they love to spend time with on this most romantic of holidays, if you do, give him or her an extra squeeze for me and my sorry state. However , don't feel too sorry for me, I am happier than I have been in years

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Stomach Flu Sucks!

So the last four days I have been so sick. I caught this horrible flu and now I have missed three days of school. I was minding my own business and then I was just kicked over by it. I kept thinking that I would be well in the morning to be able to go to school but no such luck. It's Saturday, and today I feel pretty much 100% except that I'm sleepy.

Yesterday morning I got up to go to school, but I was feeling so sick that my dad decided that I should stay home yet again. So I went back to bed, and slept until about 11:00 then got up still feeling like crap. About 4:30 I went and slept until 7:30 and then got up to eat a little and at 11:00 I went back to bed and got a full night's sleep. Crazy, right? I couldn't believe it. I don't think that I've ever slept this much except when I've had a migraine. But, it seems to have worked.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Start of Something New and Other Random Crap

This last week I decided to start selling Mary Kay. I know, strange idea for someone as shy as I am. But I believe that I can make some money and become a bit more comfortable talking to strangers and selling myself. I haven't made much money yet, but I am still building my business and waiting for my sample case to show up.

I hope that anyone who would like to buy Mary Kay would contact me, I would be more than happy to schedule a party with anyone within driving distance of here and for anyone that is farther away I would be happy to help you find the products you need.

I recently made it to a total of 15 pounds of weight loss. I am totally happy with that, although I can't wait to lose more. I have been going back and forth with losing and maintaining the weight, but now I am going to make a big push to lose, that is, after I get over this damn stomach thing that I caught.

Monday, February 5, 2007