Friday, December 8, 2006

Today I am starting to feel the burn of that wick getting closer to me from either side. This last sentence is an awkward attempt at utilizing the metaphor of burning the candle at both ends. whew that hurt my head. I have been studying like crazy for my final finals Monday and Tuesday next week.
I really have nothing more to say but I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging a bit more frequently. So I will try to ramble for a bit more. Tomorrow night is our concert at Mt Tabor Presbyterian church and I'm excited except I'm feeling a bit like I might be getting sick. So, I'm hoping that the massive amounts of vitamin C that I have been eating today will help me stave off sickness for another four days.
Today I am missing Sanjib normally every night we talk for as much time as possible about 2 hours. Unless we are busy which lately we have been. But still we talk every night or leave emails for the other. Last night I had an email but we missed each other, and today nothing, so I hope everything is fine. But its a routine, and more than that, it is a way for us to communicate, the only way that we really have.
So thats the end of my ramblings............hope you werent bored.

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