Monday, December 4, 2006


So finals are going to drag on for two weeks. I am finished with my psychology class on Wednesday after I turn in my project and paper. My final for my communication class is on Monday, when I will be turning in my final paper and taking the exam. I know that one will be easy. My written spanish final will be tomorrow and the oral exam will be on Thursday I think.


Today I was dressed a bit nicer than normal today and everyone was commenting on it. I thought it was strange, I am still the same me. I was just wrapped a bit better. I was dressed as I would normally be if I didnt work in a cold dirty warehouse. Since I didnt have to work I could dress nicely. Just a skirt and a sweater, nothing that special. Just strange that practically everyone asked me why I was dressed up. Thats all.

1 comment:

sanjib said...

First of all best of luck for your exams and dear you are nice thats why that dress match......that dress is lucky............