Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I have now had all of my classes once, except for my Intro to World Music class. I will have that one tomorrow morning. They all seem really interesting. I just got finished with my expository writing class. Our instructor has only taught one semester before this one so she is really new. But so far, I really like her. She had us do a free write, on the first day. I think it was about 10 minutes. It seemed alot shorter to me. I went into that place that I love to be in, where ideas flow right from the end of my pen onto the paper. In all it really makes no sense, but I really love my piece. The whole class has the theme of Home. Which, since I moved out on Saturday is a sensitive subject apparently. I was almost in tears. I am going to type out what I wrote, mostly just so that I can process it since I don't really know what I wrote yet so here goes. I solemnely swear that I will make no changes except for spelling from my handwritten version to what I am typing.

Home. Surrounded by family, warm comfortable and yet, so close we can
have stress. those sticky situations that closeness brings about make us
cohesive in the end. My home is a place of wonder, of searching and finding,
loss, love death life and kittens.

"Those who play together, stay together" so charades is important too!
That secret sister language so mystical to the outside world reflects a bond of
love so strong that distance age arguments time tears cannot sever.

We are tied together with ropes of Love. Home can be chosen or not. We
all NEED a home.

When the moon is full my home shines silver. The light making
everything perfect. Although the shadows are more ominous the threads of
silvered light keep us safe.

A wet tongue, a cuddle bug, my baby nephew needs a hug. We all share
something time DNA space, LOVE.

Space alone isn't home. Home is a feeling. That feeling resides in my
Daddy's arms, the warm blanket, the notes of a song. That music spreads through
my blood and breath creating a sacred place wherever I am. That sacred space is

Music always at least in the background running through the day in
blended voices and rhythm. Home Home family Sesame Street Brahms Little Red

Home is in those moments tangled on the couch with a horror movie and
my sister. Homeis the cold nose that makes sure I am ok when I cry.

The scent of my mother's cooking, the feel of everything and

Home is nowhere, but it is a space if not tangible physical space but a
place of real serenity

The center. Surrounded by the world. The eye of the storm safe
protected by Love.

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