Sunday, December 21, 2008

Becca's Senior Picture Shoot

My sister needed senior pictures and because of the weather was unable to get to a studio so I took my little digital camera and we went out and took them in the snowy outdoors. I was super happy with how they turned out. My mom even paid me!! That makes me a professional, HA! I'm super happy with how they turned out. If you would like to see them on their own go to my picasa album This album also includes pictures of our house in the snow this week I am updating it with more from today.

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Unknown said...

As I said before, nice pictures, all! I know it was a while ago, but where were you when you got the pictures of the praying mantis?

Kimbolily said...

The praying mantis was perched on the flower pot on the front porch. I actually think I took that on the way out the door to meet you guys at Applebee's for Allison's birthday at least if memory serves...

Unknown said...

Well that's pretty neat! I'm jealous. I'm not sure I've ever seen a mantis in the "wild" like that before.