Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More to Come

I will be posting some pictures and anecdotes about Beauty and the Beast and our trip to the beach with my niece and nephew probably tomorrow, just a heads up.

Things have been crazy, especially in my head the last few days. I haven't been sleeping well and when I do sleep I have been having disturbing dreams that I only half way remember. Then the last two mornings I was awakened around 6 or 6:30 by my father leaving for work. Since the weather has been so nice my window is open and the noise of the car starting woke me up.

I am hoping that tonight is the night, the first night in about 2 weeks that I will have a full night's sleep without interruption or strange dreams.

1 comment:

sanjib said...

Miss Kimberly,
where is that pictures which u have said that u are going to post a few pictures.
I am waiting for them to see.