Monday, January 22, 2007

Umm, Not Much To Say

So as you may or may not be able to tell from the title of this post I cannot think of anything to say. So I think I will just ramble for a bit. I ran into a couple of girls that I knew in high school today on the bus to school. We were talking for a while and sat while waiting for our classes or buses. Talking to them and hearing stories about their lives and the lives of people I graduated with made me realize that besides being jobless I am actually really happy with my life and where I am. Although one thing I am not happy about is still being apart from Sanjib. I know that he is the one person I can trust with my heart more than anyone else in the world.

Since I was little I have had this feeling that my soul mate either romantic or platonic was someplace very far away. I have felt like there was someone out there for me since I was very little. I would sit by the window of our house and wish on all the stars and on the moon that this person would be safe and find their way to me. I really believe that this person is Sanjib.

I guess I had a bit more to talk about then I thought.

1 comment:

sanjib said...

Its so sweet that dear u look from the window and wish ............i hope and pray that thing to be true....and i will do anything to make it ture......i hope that u are nt upset with me cause these days have a bit much work so abit busy then the past........
love u