Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tis The Season...

No, not THAT season, that one is over for now. Tis the season for spring and it really seems like it may be here. If that sounds overly ambiguous then you have never been in the Portland area during spring, or fall. The seasons here like to tease us and frustrate us with their lack of sincerity. "See," they taunt, "It is spring the sun is out and it is warm" fast forward a week, or a day, or an hour forward, "BWAHAHAHA Gotcha! It is actually going to snow/pour/freeze! You can't outwit the weather!"

Okay, so maybe that was...overly...dramatic, but I just can't help but over act in my humanization of the weather. It is appropriate, at least in this situation. And even if it isn't appropriate....it amuses me.

Tis also the season for concerts. I am really excited to be performing in a few in the coming weeks, this also means that the semester is close to an end. Which is both frightening and heartening. I want to be home! Don't get me wrong I love school and everything I am doing here. I just miss my dog...oh Koko, your wrinkled face calls to me across the distance separating us. Alright, you might have guessed it, I am in a strange mood today, in fact I will readily admit to it with pride. Earlier tonight I was speaking with a British accent for no reason again...and singing silly ditties (that isn't any different from any other day).

Goofy moods aside, I am pretty OK with where life is leading right now. I am freaking out (in a good way) about fall semester and all my music classes. I think there are at least six of them, and there may be more ensembles that I want to be in. Who knows? Plus, I will be taking theater classes as well. Kim will be a happy busy camper. yay

Enough rambling, I am going to waste some more time wandering though the Internet...enjoy yourselves and sing a happy song! Or play, or listen to or otherwise enjoy some music...please!

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