Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silly Forwards

Well, to start off, I am apologizing to my friends for the silly forwards filling their in boxes. A friend, who shall remain nameless to protect her safety thought it would be fun to dare me to do something very strange and dangerous. She knows that I will do almost anything if I am dared to. Here is the dare, to forward every lame forward that I get for a week. I did it, of course. The same adventurous streak that had me licking slugs at summer camp(I really did it) had me hitting the forward button at least 10 times a day.

Yeah, I know, silly dare but one that I did. Some of those forward were inane, flashing large annoying animation that the sender of this email considers me to be a friend and that I would be murdered by an axe murderer if I didn't send this along to 10 of my friends. Others were slightly creepy horror stories of murders, haunted houses, and hypodermic needles in ball pits. Not sure what I learned, if anything, from doing this, but it was kind of entertaining. So I'm sorry about all the silly forwards any of you have been getting. I am done with this dumb dare.

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