Friday, June 11, 2010


I thought that since my brother, Ken, his wonderful wife, Allison, and my awesome niece and nephew are moving halfway across the country I would make sure everyone knows how awesome they are. I don't know that I could ask for better family members and stronger support. I will forever be filled with love for there amazing human beings.

I'll start with my brother(chronologically it makes sense): from the moment I can remember we were close. He would take care of me and teach my funny things to say in my high pitched voice. I was just reminded that he used me in some of his videos he made in high school, I was under the age of three at the time. I was heart broken when he left for the Navy. I cried and cried and cried. A few nights when I knew he would be home the next day I was so excited I made myself sick. I actually vomited I was so happy to be seeing him. I always know that I can count on him for anything and that he will always support me in any of my choice. He is a bit of a center of calm and reason in the midst of a crazy family.

Things I learned from my brother: Micheal Jordan, algebra (at age 7), how to use gears and hand brakes on a bicycle, how to count out binary on my hands, how to...acquire music.

I have the best sister-in-law on the planet! Allison was a great addition to the family(good job, Ken!). As soon as I met her I knew I liked her, the fact that I was dressed as a clown didn't even phase her. I have found through the years that I have another sister not just a sister-in-law. We are capable of talking and talking the day and the planet's problems away. She is a truly beautiful person inside and out, I know it wounds cheesy but it is true. I look at her and I see her following her dreams and succeeding and can't help but look up to her.

Think I learned from Allison: I do not have the corner on crazy families, I don't have to hide my opinions to have people love me, I am a good person, follow your passion, the wonder of pedicures!

I have to stop for now...I can barely see. I will continue my reminiscing at a later time.

Ohio, you are getting some amazing people. I hope you realize how lucky you are


Unknown said...

Oh Kim! This is so sweet! I'm going to miss you sooooo much. Know that you are welcome in our Midwestern stead any time!!

Ken said...

See... Now I'm getting all misty-eyed, too. I love you, Kim!

sanjib said...

Happy for the family reunion kim...i am sure that it will add more happniess inside u.....