Sunday, November 11, 2007

Babies and Dreams

So, I went to a friends baby shower this weekend. I was really excited since: #1 I am a human of the female persuasion, #2 I have not seen this friend except for a brief chat after Beauty and the Beast this summer, #3 I have never been to a baby shower before. So this last week I set about the search for the perfect present. This included grand ideas of knitting, crocheting, and vast piles of money. None of which turned out to just appear. So, I turned to my life to look for inspiration. I checked out the things the kids at the daycare love and things that my niece and nephew have loved.

I ended up making this really cool blanket made out of polar fleece. It was tied all around the edges and blue camouflage on one side and navy blue on the other(the baby is a boy). I almost wanted to keep it for myself. You can find directions to make your own here.

I will take this time to address one issue. As I have grown up I have always said that I wasn't sure if I really wanted kids, as I don't want to be the parent my mother was, and is. I look at many of my friends who have kids or are getting married and I wonder what they are thinking. We are only 20 or 21 and they are starting families.

Although I admire them greatly and some of them seem genuinely ready for kids. I however want to wait until I am finished with school, in a stable relationship, and emotionally ready to have a child. Only then will I think about it. I just don't want to be as brittle as my own mother. I want to make my child feel good about them self and feel that they are worthy and ready for anything.

Enough of that, I will admit to getting that soft longing feeling when I see small children and pregnant women, and weddings...and other female things.

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