Monday, April 30, 2007

How Ever Did I Manage?

Well, today I realized something. I really need to appreciate the small things more. I have been stressing about my financial situation for months and I haven't taken the time to just enjoy my life. This weekend I did some of that. Here is a list of some of the things I enjoyed:
  • I sat in a coffee shop people watching early on a Saturday morning. I saw so many interesting people go through there. The table of guys rotating through just shooting the breeze before they move on to the rest of their day.
  • I got to meet a most charming Irish Wolfhound that morning as well and got a giant sized kiss right on the face.
  • When I was at work I realized that making a child smile makes me smile.
  • Saw my sister so proud of something she had worked on.
  • My niece and nephew with their bongos. Oh man my arms are still sore from that game.
  • Spent time with the greatest brother a girl could ask for.
  • Cooked a meal that pretty much everyone enjoyed...Natalie didn't really but she liked helping me
  • Being outside after a long and hard winter
  • Sleep
  • Showered, I know you might think that I would appreciate a shower but just stop and notice how nice it feels to be clean. Refreshing
  • Wrote. I took some time to actually write some poetry this weekend which I haven't don't in far too long.
Yes I know that some of this may not make sense to you and know that some of this doesn't make much sense to me. Also I have now idea why I am feeling the need to appreciate my surroundings, but I do.

Do me one favor, give yourself time to daydream. It does wonders for the soul.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Today I am going to write about a couple of pet peeves. Number one, coworkers who don't pull their own weight. Number two, people who are unaware that they are doing the previous. I just sat through an hour long staff meeting about following your job description and being respectful to your coworkers. That is all.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

New Favorite Video, with some other stuff

This video is very awesome and as soon as I heard the song I felt like even though the story doesn't completely fit my situation, the feeling behind it does.

Recently someone asked me if I believed in soul mates. I told them that of course I did, that I have always had believed. When I was young, and I do mean young, I just knew that someone was out there just for me, and that when I met them they would be the rest of my soul. Now I don't necessarily believe that soul mates are purely romantic relationships. I believe that my late friend Melissa was my soul mate.

She was my best friend in my freshman year of high school, we hadn't known each other for very long but we were literally best friends. I would have done anything for her, and I did. The week that she was in the hospital prior to her death she told one of our other friends that she didn't want me to come see her. She didn't want me to remember her like that. I wanted and needed to see her but I followed her wishes and I didn't get to say goodbye. Sometimes I regret that, but not that I did what she wanted.

The other person that I have a sneaking suspicion is my soul mate is Sanjib. I believe that he is that soul that was far away from me when I was so young. From the moment we began chatting I felt a connection with him.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Me, Again

Sorry again readers I will try to say something meaningful today. Earlier today I was asked a question that I think I will answer here. I was asked if I believe in ghosts and spirits, and if I do, why, and how I feel about it.

The short answer is that yes I believe in ghosts. I dont necessarily believe in the haunting, scary, out-to-kill kind of ghost but a presence of people who have died I do believe in. I have always been very sensitive to emotions of other people and I think that sometimes I am aware of the emotions of people who no longer are alive.

When I was a very little girl I thought there was an old man who was very sad that was in my bedroom, now I really believe that was true. He would come to me in the night, in my dreams and I would try to make him happy. Then there was one night that he didnt come, after that I never saw him again.

I spoke to one lady who is a psychic and she thought that with some training I could be one too. I asked her if she could teach me but she said she is aware of spirits by hearing them so she didnt think that she was the right person. Someday I think it would be nice to learn if I can actually communicate with people who are dead.

I know that I am sensitive to living peoples emotions because I have always been able to know how others were feeling. Most recently I have even been able to "feel" the emotions of someone I love who is far far away, around the world.

I would be really interested to hear other peoples opinions on this topic so let me know with a comment or an email if you would rather.