Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thoughts on a Potential New Endeavor's the scoop. Recently a group called 4k for Cancer (check them out here) rode through town. A group of around 30 college aged heroes cycling from Baltimore to Portland for cancer. Wow. Roughly 4000 miles in 70 days. The riders that participate have to raise a minimum for $4500 to ride.


No really.

I have been thinking about this since I heard about it. I didn't actually get to meet the riders but heard about it from my parents who were both tearing up just talking about it. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and my uncle(Dad's brother) just died from cancer.

The riders talk to people and write names of people, survivors or victims, on their calves so the riders behind them can keep those people in their thoughts. Both Mom and Marty's names graced multiple legs as they took their last ride from St. Helens to Portland.

I have been reading and reading and thinking and praying and asking myself if I am crazy for wanting to do this. These are some of the positives and negatives for doing it:

#1. I am fat. Let's just call a spade a spade. I am not only fat but out of shape. I have 8 or 9 months to prepare...I don't know if I will physically able to do it.

#2. I want to do something big like this. I think it would be a lovely story to tell my grandchildren someday. The story of a girl who took a huge risk and tried to make a difference in this world and in herself. This would be an incredible journey of self discovery.

#3. Money! That $4500 seems huge! I'm sure that people will want to help but it just seems so big.

#4. Time. I have a full time job and am planning on going back to school soon. Will my job just let me go for over 70 days? Will I have to quit and stress about finding a job again when I come back?

#5. Fitness! I think that training for this ride will be great and maybe the emotional and social impact of the cancer activism nature of it will keep me motivated.

#6. Cycling...I don't think I have ever been much of a natural at riding a bike. I went on some spectacular falls as a child. I did read that most of the riders started out with little to no cycling experience though.

#7. I am kind of shy and self conscious and would be with around 30 strangers for 70 days. I worry that I won't make friends or feel comfortable around the people in my group.

#8. Gleep! What will I do with my poor pooch? I don't think he would enjoy riding across the country in his bag on my back.

#9. Something about this is calling to me. I have felt drawn to it since I heard about it.

#10. How many people can say they rode a bike across the country let alone for an amazing cause that it so close to so many people?

I think I have come to the decision to apply and then see what happens after that. They start accepting applications September 1st so I have a few more days to chicken out. I tweeted about it and 3 riders have already started encouraging me to do it. I don't know though. I can't seem to sort out the self doubt and logical reasoning. Let me know your thoughts and who knows, in a few months I could be hitting you up for donations.

PS I know the ride from Baltimore to Portland went through Ohio and stopped in Dayton and had a free day in Cleveland. Just saying *cough cough Ken and Allison *cough cough